In a recent interview with Marty Griffin on his Podcast "Golf Strategy School", I was asked how I would help a player in a slump. I gave an adequate answer but failed to answer it as I would have liked.
If you have played well but now find yourself in a slump then something has changed.
A change can occur anywhere in a player's game and it must be discovered and corrective procedures must occur to right the ship.
The change can be obvious, maybe you have changed a grip or added a "new move". Other changes are subtle, like balance, backswing direction or a change in your mental direction.
Balance during the swing is critical and some have a tendency to allow a untimely weight shift somewhere within the swing. I believe the swing is a near perfect circle and if it's center is displaced it must be re-established. Many can develop the timing to overcome the change in balance but they can easily loose the timing which leads to a period of poor ball striking.
I believe players who take the club away inside or outside of the line often are required to re-route the club to a new path that matches their preferred ball flight. Again, this is a timing issue and easily lost for any player, especially the amateur.
If you have had a successful lesson then you undoubtedly listened and applied the positive direction offered by the professional. When on your own, it is more difficult to apply this same direction. But when you do it is easy to believe "I've got it" and this predictably ends the positive direction you have been giving yourself and all of it's positive results.
So to address the downturn in your game, look for the change that has occurred. Is it obvious or subtle. Seek out a professional to help get you back on track with some positive direction. And when it's working and feel you've "got it", look out, reapply yourself and stick with the positive direction. All to help you in breaking a slump.
For a better game,